
August 4, 2021

LCRBC: Save Lives & Property – Provide Flood Data

Dear Coalition Members: We wanted to remind you of two opportunities to provide input for flood studies being done in the Lower Colorado River Basin. You already may have heard from the Lower Colorado-Lavaca Flood Planning Group or the GLO River Basin Flood Study. Please respond as you are able. The two flood projects are sharing data to avoid duplication of efforts.
March 22, 2021

LCRBC Looks Ahead to 2021 Issues

Dear Coalition Members, We in the Lower Colorado River Basin have a new and meaningful way to make our voices heard on flood issues. The Lower Colorado-Lavaca Regional Flood Planning Group (Region 10), which I chair, was created last year to develop a plan that identifies flood projects and strategies to better protect lives and property by controlling and mitigating damage. Our regional plan, due in 2023, will be rolled up with 14 other regions into a State Flood Plan due in 2024.
August 14, 2020

Lower Colorado River Basin Coalition – Summer Update

Dear Members: As we look ahead to the end of summer and beginning to fall, we wanted to update you on several issues of interest to the lower Colorado River Basin. FEMA Flood Grant Programs Opening for Applications Soon The Flood Mitigation Assistance grant program will open for applications in late September and a series of informational webinars on the applications will be held, starting Aug. 18. Attendees can preregister now.